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Template Gallery

Web Messaging Languages

Install the latest languages for Web Messaging. [version 8.21 and early]

IMail Server's Web messaging is more customizable than ever, but you don't have to create your own templates to have a new and interesting look for your company's Web mail. Also, see our Web messaging and Helper Applications pages for more IMail add-ons.

Note: Templates not marked "by Ipswitch" are not supported by Ipswitch, but in some cases may be supported by the author. Please contact them for additional details.

These templates are compatible with with IMail versions 8.22 or earlier.
For information on customizing the web templates for IMail 2006, please see the following article: http://support.ipswitch.com/kb/IM-20051122-DM01.htm

English Templates | International Templates

English Templates

KillerWebMail Templates by Ipswitch

Combining an Outlook-style frameset with DHTML technology, the Killer templates feature the latest and coolest webmail tricks (like user-selectable color themes!), and make webmail so efficient even Admins are using it. Available in Dutch, German, Japanese, Korean, English, French, Italian, Chinese and Spanish. Available from Ipswitch for FREE.


Click to enlarge

IMail Server v8.22 Web Messaging Templates by Ipswitch

Designed for classy, clean looks and fast page loads, these templates' color scheme can be globally modified in one file. Your IE4+/WinWord users enjoy an ActiveX SpellChecker component.

Available in Dutch, German, Japanese, Korean, English, French, Italian, Chinese and Spanish. Available from Ipswitch (Version 8.22 or earlier templates)

Note: You must be running IMail Server version 8.22 or earlier to install these templates. Information on Downloading IMail Server 8.22

Web Messaging Template
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IMail Server v8.1 and prior Web Messaging Templates
If you need the latest updates to the Ipswitch templates, or if you've lost the original disk and need to restore or refer to the them.  For IMail Server versions 5, 6, 7 and 8.  (templates5.zip, 170kb; templates6.zip, 280kb; templates7.zip, 818kb; templates713.zip, 804kb; templates8.zip, 903kb; templates803.zip, 972kb; templates815.zip, 1.61MB;)
Default Template
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Atlantic by Saestar Media
With a clean look designed for webmail service providers, the Atlantic template is quick to download and full of includes, making it very easy to modify.  For IMail Server versions 6, 7 and 8 only.  (atlantic6.zip 350kb, atlantic7.zip 790kb, atlantic713.zip 792kb, atlantic8.zip 880kb)
Atlantic Template
Click to enlarge
Default Web Calendaring Templates by Ipswitch
If you need the latest updates to the Ipswitch templates, or if you've lost the original disk and need to restore or refer to the them.  For IMail Server version 7 and 8 only.  (webcal7.zip, 382kb, webcal7.13.zip, 322kb, webcal8.zip, 320kb, webcal8.11, 513kb, webcal8.22 , 474kb)
Ipswitch's Web Calendaring Template
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Gold Brick by Saestar Media
An easily replaceable logo and attractive oval buttons make this set of gold and yellow colored templates ideal for businesses that want a distinctive, professional look for their web-based e-mail.  For IMail Server versions 5, 6, 7 and 8.  (goldbrick5.zip, 280kb; goldbrick6.zip, 350kb, goldbrick7.zip, 800kb, goldbrick7.13.zip, 798kb, goldbrick8.zip, 886kb)
Gold Brick Template
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Plain Templates by Ipswitch
With no graphics and minimal tables, the Plain templates deliver the fastest possible performance over slow connections, and they work great with old browsers and on small screens.  For IMail Server versions 6 only.  (plain6.zip, 206kb)
Plain Template
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International Templates

German IMail Web Templates durch FINDAR Immobilien-Service AG (SHmail.ch) Ein sehr dezentes Templates, welches sich von der Originalversion nur in zwei wesentlichen Punkten Unterscheidet. Erstens, es ist mit neuem Farben Versehen und ohne Werbung, zweitens, es ist in Deutsch ;-)! Wir Möchten Sie darauf hinweisen, dass wir im Moment auch an einer Deutschen Version des Web-Kalenders Arbeiten, welcher bis mitte März fertig gestellt Sein sollte. Der Preis des IMail-Web's liegt bei
300.- CHF exkl. MwsT.!

Auxiliary remark Farben (dunkelblau & Grau) können nach je nach Wunsch Farblich angepasst werden..! Die Farbcodes, müssen je- Doch bei Bestellung angegeben werden, damit diese vorab Von uns ersetzt werden können.

Demo-Login: http://mail.shmail.ch:8383
Username: demo@shmail.ch
Password: demo

Web site: http://www.shmail.ch

FINDAR German Template screenshot
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German IMail Web Templates fuer IMail Server 6.0
Diese Templates liegen "wie sie sind" und ohne Unterstuetzung vor.

Zum Installieren entpacken Sie alle Dateien in das /web-verzeichnis des Imail-ordners. (Legen Sie zuerst eine Sicherheitskopie der originalen Templates an)
(German6 247kb)

Markus Gufler - E-Mail: markus@zcom.it
Web site: http://www.zcom.it

Italian IMail Web Templates for IMail Server 7.x
MPC Italia Internet Service Provider has created a template in Italian for IMail Server Version 7.x with logo and colors easily replaceable; the on-line help pages, with more samples, were translated, too.

l'MPC Italia, Internet Service Provider, ha sviluppato la versione italiana dei template per la posta via Web per le versioni 7.x di IMail Server; il logo ed i colori sono facilmenti modificabili; è stato tradotto in italiano anche l'Help on line (integrandolo con esempi ) e le parti dedicate all'amministrazione del server di posta via Web. Price: 149,00 Euro

More Information

Japanese IMail Web Templates for IMail Server 7.1x
(Japan7.1 599kb, Japan7.13 593kb, Japan8 625kb)

Norwegian Templates by commage.no
These templates provide a Norwegian translation for Killer WebMail and Classic WebMail.

For more information or to order please e-mail post@commage.no or click here to visit the commage.no Website. 

Norwegian Template
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Spanish IMail Web Templates for IMail Server 7.x
Plantilla de diseño moderno y funcional en idioma español, con un entorno muy parecido a Outlook Express. Permite hacer cualquier operación necesaria sobre los mensajes de correo. Además accede directamente a la carpeta Main (Recibidos) y a la carpeta Sent (Enviados) de la cuenta, lo que facilita mucho la lectura del correo.Se puede personalizar facilmente, cambiando el logotipo de la parte superior izquierda de la pantalla y los colores de fondo.Si desea hacer ver como funciona entre en la dirección http://www.novomilenio.net:8383 y ponga en nombre de usuario demo@novomilenio.net y en contraseña demo
Precio de la plantilla: 130?
More information at Novo Milenio Sistemas S.L
Spanish Web Calendaring Template screenshot
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VF Hosting has created a template in Spanish with an easily replaceable logo and attractive oval buttons making this set of gold and yellow colored templates ideal for businesses that want a distinctive, professional look for their web-based e-mail in Spanish. For IMail Server versions 6 and soon the version 7. (VF Spanish Template)

VF Hosting ha creado un template en Español con un logo facil de reemplazar y atractivos botones con forma de ovalo, este template de color oro y amarillo is ideal para empresas que deseen un look profesional y distintivo para su sistema de Email basado en Web. Este template es para la version 6 y pronto tendremos la version 7. 
(VF Spanish Template)

VF Hostong Templates
Click to enlarge